A bill deposit will be required from the following:

  • New customers applying for electric service;
  • Existing customers applying for transfer of service;
  • Existing customers applying for an increase in load/ capacity;
  • Existing customers with disconnected services applying for a reconnection, and who were previously not subjected to bill deposit;
  • Existing customers whose actual average monthly consumption for the past twelve (12) months increased by more than 10% of the initial or existing bill deposit;
  • Existing customers who have previously availed of the early refund of bill deposit due to good credit rating and who later default in payment of their monthly bill/s.

Sufficiency of the bill deposit is determined by comparing a customer's existing bill deposit, including accumulated interest, with the average monthly bills for the past twelve (12) months.

  • If the bill deposit is greater than the average bill by more than 10%, the excess bill deposit will be refunded to the customer through his bill/s
  • If the bill deposit is less than the average bill by more than 10%, additional bill deposit equivalent to the insufficient amount will be collected from the customer in twelve (12) monthly installments;
  • If the difference falls within 10%, there will be no refund to nor collection of bill deposit from the customer.

We will inform the customer about the refund or collection through a notification letter or the Applied Credits/Other Charges portion on page 2 of the electric bill.

To illustrate:

     A. REFUND (Bill deposit + Interest is greater than Ave. Monthly Bill by more than 10%)

Total Bill Deposit and Interest P 1,500.00
Average Monthly Bill (SEP 2019 – AUG 2020) P 1,000.00
Difference P 500.00 (33.3%)
Refund P 500.00


     B. COLLECTION (Bill deposit + Interest is less than Ave. Monthly Bill by more than 10%)

Total Bill Deposit and Interest P 800.00
Average Monthly Bill (SEP 2019 – AUG 2020) P 1,000.00
Difference P 200.00 (-25.0%)
Collection P 200.00

     * P 39.58 – monthly installment payment for twelve (12) months


     C. EXEMPTED FROM AUDB – (Difference of Bill Deposit + Interest and Ave. Monthly bill for past 12 months is within 10%)

Total Bill Deposit and Interest P 1,050.00
Average Monthly Bill (SEP 2019 – AUG 2020) P 1,000.00
Difference P 50.00 (-4.8%)
No Refund / Collection