All About your Meter

Your meter reading is the basis of your monthly Meralco bill. Your home’s electric meter continuously records your electricity consumption in kilowatt-hours (kWh) and is read monthly by our meter reader for us to determine your bill amount. Here’s how to read your own meter.

For Digital Meters:
Simply read the number on the digital display to get your Present Reading. 

Meralco Digital Meter


Present Reading 6248
Less Previous Reading 5936
Total kWh used 312


For Electromechanical Meters:
Electromechanical meters have four (or five) dials that move in opposite directions* to record your electricity consumption. To get your Present Reading, record the smaller number each pointer just passed.


Meralco Mechanical Meter


Present Reading 5097
Less Previous Reading 4866
Total kWh used 231


*For meters with four digits, Dials A and C move counter-clockwise, while Dials B and D move in a clockwise direction.
*For meters with five digits, Dials A, C and E move clockwise, while Dials B and D move in a counter-clockwise direction. 



  1. How often is my meter read?
    Once every month. You can check your bill for the actual schedule of your next meter reading. Here is an example:

    Meralco Bill


  2. Where is the meter reading shown in my bill?
    The meter reading can be seen at the back (page 2) of your bill, under the “Metering Information” section.

    1. Electric Meter Number
      This identifies your meter. The meter number is reflected as is in the bill.

      Meralco Bill


      You will find the meter number on your meter. In the illustration below, the meter number is 33AZN65017. When reading, make sure to look at the correct meter by verifying the meter number with the number presented in your bill. 

      Meralco Meter

    2. Current Reading
      This indicates the meter reading on your scheduled monthly meter reading date. In the illustration below, the recorded meter reading is 3,055.  

      Meralco Bill

      Note: To know the meter reading date of your bill, you may refer to the billing information section at the front of your bill. In the illustration below, our meter reader read the meter on September 7, 2021 for the bill period September 7, 2021 to October 7, 2021.

      Meralco Bill
    3. Previous Reading
      This indicates your meter reading from the previous month. In the illustration below, the previous meter reading is 2,855.


      Meralco Bill
    4. Actual Consumption
      This indicates your registered kWh consumption for the month. It is the difference between your present reading (in this case, 2723) and your previous reading (in this case, 2431) times the multiplier. In the illustration below, the consumption is 200 kWh.  

      Meralco Bill


  3. How is the meter reading used to compute my monthly bill?
    Based on your consumption as indicated in your meter reading, we provide you a monthly bill with a breakdown of different charges. This unbundling of the various bill components is mandated under the Electric Power Industry Reform Act (EPIRA) of 2001. The different charges are monitored and regulated by the ERC. Your bill amount is derived using the monthly rates, and your monthly billing determinants or “base” as seen in your bill. For residential customers, your billing determinant is based on your monthly kWh consumption. The following table shows which charges are billed using your kWh consumption or are billed as a single fixed charge per month.

    Bill Component Per kWh Per Month
    Generation Charge Meralco  
    Transmission Charge Meralco  
    System Loss Charge Meralco  
    Distribution Charge Meralco  
    Monthly Supply Charge Meralco  
    Fixed Supply Charge   Meralco
    Monthly Metering Charge Meralco  
    Fixed Metering Charge   Meralco
    Lifeline Discount/Subsidy Meralco  
    Senior Citizen Discount/Subsidy Meralco  
    Universal Charges Meralco  
    Feed-In Tariff Allowance (FIT-All) Meralco  

    For government taxes, your billing determinant or the tax base is effectively the amount incurred for that specific charge being taxed. The following table explains the components used as billing determinants for the taxes charged. The tax rate is based on various government tax issuances.

    Taxes Billing Determinants
    Local Franchise Tax Summed billed amounts of the following:
    - Generation Charge
    - Transmission Charge
    - System Loss Charge
    - Distribution Charge
    - Monthly/Fixed Supply Charges
    - Monthly/Fixed Metering Charges
    - Lifeline Discount/Subsidy
    - Senior Citizen Discount/Subsidy
    Value Added Tax Imposed individually on the following charges:
    - Generation Charge
    - Transmission Charge
    - System Loss Charge
    - Distribution Charge
      (Distribution + Supply + Metering)
    - Subsidies
    - Local Franchise Tax
    Energy Tax Imposed on residential customers with a monthly kWh consumption that exceeds 650 kWh