- Know the right size.
Take note of the appliances that will be operating when sunlight is available. This will determine the amount of energy that you’ll need and the right installation size for your household. This ensures you spend the right amount on your installation, along with keeping your appliances and equipment running smoothly and safely. - Check the best location for your installation.
- Before you make your investment, check on your roof! Inspect the structure and position where your panels will be installed. Consider factors such as panel direction, panel angles, and inverter options – all of which affect the output and the efficiency of the solar PV system.
- Choose the right solar provider.
Choose a supplier who is reputable, with after-sales service, and knowledgeable in safety standards.
100kW is the ceiling set by the Department of Energy (DOE) in the Net-Metering program. Any RE production above 100kW is no longer covered by the Net-Metering Program. As such, the RE installation will fall under the Zero Export program, and will not be allowed to export to the Meralco system.
The Net-Metering program is open to all subject to the credit rating requirements of Meralco. Likewise, existing Peak/Off-Peak (POP) customers can also avail of the Net-Metering program. Customers with RE installations below 100kW and who are in good credit standing in the payment of their bills during the previous 12 months can apply in the Net-Metering program. A customer who is not in good credit rating during the previous 12 months should first attain a good credit standing for 12 months from the latest month the bill was not paid on time. Existing POP customers can also avail of Net-Metering subject to the aforesaid credit rating requirements.
New applicants with no credit records yet on the applied service are qualified to apply in the Net-Metering program. However, a customer with less than 12-months credit history may also apply but he/she will be required to do or fulfill any of the following:
- Enroll in Meralco’s Auto-Paid / Auto-Debit Arrangement; or
- Complete first a 12-month period of good credit standing beginning from the last month the bill was not paid on time.
What is reflected in the Meralco bill is the total amount of energy that is exported to the grid every month. Currently, this figure can be found at the back of the bill under the line NM-Export Energy KWh.
If the NM Export Energy kWh is greater than the bill amount, then it will result to an Excess NM Export Energy that can be applied to future billing/s.
Meralco cannot capture the electricity generated by the RE/Solar panel system without the REC meter. We are currently waiting for ERC approve REC meter standards before installing the said meter.
Current meters installed in customer premises are unidirectional meters. As such, surplus electricity flow coming from the photovoltaic (PV) system and passing through the meter could be recognized as additional load, thereby resulting in a higher electric bill for the customer.
The monthly bill may go up if the PV facility exports to the grid and the meter has not been replaced with the type applicable for Net-Metering.
Customers under the Zero Export program use the electricity generated by their solar panels for their own consumption. Any excess electricity generated cannot be exported to the distribution utility (DU), i.e. Meralco.
As there is no effect on the DU’s electrical system, there is no limitation on the generating capacity that the customer can install to avail of Zero Export.